New syllabus for making 23,205 private security agencies more professional, responsible


With aim to make private security agencies in the country more professional and responsible, new model rules 2020 have been notified by the Government which accommodate changes in the ecosystem over the years and are aligned with the key visions of ‘Digital India’ and ‘e Governance’.
As part of the exercise the licensee of private security agency has to successfully undergo a training relating to private security as prescribed by the Controlling Authority.

Syllabus for training of licensee of private security agency

The new model rules provide syllabus for training of licensee to bring uniformity in licensee’s training across the States. The training shall be for a minimum period of six working days which shall broadly include the following subjects, namely, (i) Present security scenario (ii) Role and Functioning of Private Security Agencies (iii) Legal provisions (iv) Management of Security Agencies (v) Interface with public, Police and other departments and (vi) Private Security Personnel – DO’s and DON’Ts (Conduct Rules).

Legal provisions for private security agencies

Private Security Agencies in the country are regulated as per provisions of the Private Security Agencies (Regulation) Act, 2005 [PSAR Act].
In order to make Private Security Agencies more professional and responsible, the Government of India has notified two model rules under the PSAR Act, 2005, namely, the Private Security Agencies Central Model Rules, 2020 in supersession of earlier Central Model Rules of 2006 and the Private Security Agencies (Private Security to Cash Transportation Activities) Rules, 2018.

Further, as per the Act, Controlling Authorities appointed by State/UT governments have been assigned the duties of issuance of license and regulation of private security agencies in respective State/UT. The data pertaining to number of private security agencies in the country is not maintained centrally. This data is maintained at level of State/UT. However, in 2019, the Central Government has developed a ‘Private Security Agency Licensing Portal’ to facilitate States/UTs for online issue of license to private security agencies. As per the web portal, there were 23,205 licenses of Private Security Agencies as on May 22, 2024.

The Indian private security industry is said to be the largest in the world. The sector has witnessed significant growth in recent past. It has become a leading industry in demand for private security personnel, not just in corporate sector but also in residential services and real estate field. This industry significantly contributes to employment, economy and fiscal health.

Numbers of private security agencies in country as on May 22, 2024

State/UT License issued Active Expired
Maharashtra 6562 4262 2300
Gujarat 6386 2767 3619
Karnataka 3808 925 2883
Rajasthan 3350 1811 1539
Uttar Pradesh 3377 1921 1456
Haryana 2285 1427 858
Delhi 2120 1548 572
Punjab 1961 1000 961
Tamil Nadu 1786 1062 724
Madhya Pradesh 1622 1085 537
Kerala 1156 569 587
Telangana 957 814 143
Bihar 812 513 299
West Bengal 741 88 653
Himachal Pradesh 630 286 344
Uttarakhand 612 392 220
Odisha 609 605 4
Andhra Pradesh 601 434 167
Assam 587 325 262
Jharkhand 426 340 86
Chattisgarh 394 243 151
Dadra, Daman & Diu 327 117 210
Chandigarh 326 150 176
Puducherry 229 98 131
Goa 223 123 100
Tripura 132 87 45
Jammu & Kashmir 116 82 34
Andaman & Nicobar 84 29 55
Meghalaya 67 24 43
Arunachal Pradesh 30 23 7
Sikkim 29 28 1
Mizoram 23 23
Manipur 21 21
Nagaland 14 6 8
Total 42403 23205 19198



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