Life has changed for Ramchait, the cobbler, tastes celebrity status

From the Net

Never did Ramchait, the cobbler, slogging in his small roadside kiosk, located near the district court in Sultanpur, ever know about websites, internet, media buzz or selfies. All that he knew for past over three decades were Shoe Anvil, nail pulling pliers, cutter, hammer, awl, thread and needle, shoe leather, slipper straps, etc.

However, one fine afternoon, busy repairing a pair of slippers, a cavalcade stopped at a distance and outside came the Raj Kumar of Indian politics, Rahul Gandhi.

On his way to Delhi, the Gandhi scion made an unexpected stop at Ramchait’s kiosk. The half-hour stay at his humble shop turned into a cherished memory for the cobbler. Rahul Gandhi not only chatted with the surprised and elated cobbler, but also tried his hands on learning the craft by stitching a pair of slippers under Ramchait’s tutelage.

However, life of the unknown cobbler has changed dramatically. Since last week, Ramchait has become instantly famous. Unexpected media persons dropping in at his shop for short interviews and photos have made him a celebrity overnight. His keypad phone has been buzzing since with requests for pictures from selfies with him from all over the town. His relatives have recalibrated their respect for him. Now he is easily recognized on roads and revered for having talked to Rahul Gandhi.

With his pictures and video interviews popping up all over the Internet, now he needs no introduction.

Slippers stitched by LoP Rahul Gandhi are in high demand

ANI shared a post on X recently about Ramchait with the caption, “Shopkeeper claims slippers stitched by LoP Rahul Gandhi are in high demand, price upto Rs 10 lakh.

Cobbler Ramchait says, “People are clicking selfies with me. Rahul Gandhi contacted me. I am getting a lot of calls for that slipper… I have been offered Rs. 10 lakhs for that slipper. However, I denied the offer. I will not give that slipper to anyone. I will frame it and preserve it in my shop…”

Firm resolve not to sell Gandhi stitched slippers ever

Cobbler Ramchait has a firm resolve to not sell the slippers Gandhi stitched. “Many people have asked me to put a price on the shoes. I told all of them that it is a priceless possession and I do not plan to sell it. I will keep it as the most prized possession in my life and pas it on to my next generation,” he said.



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