Home 18th Lok Sabha Discrepancy in count of votes polled and counted in 538 constituencies found:...

Discrepancy in count of votes polled and counted in 538 constituencies found: ADR


In a shocking allegation, the Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR) has claimed that discrepancy in the number of votes polled and the number of votes counted in 538 constituencies in the 18th Lok Sabha elections.
According to an analysis by ADR, in the recent Lok Sabha polls a total of 5,54,598 votes counted were less than the votes polled in 362 Parliamentary constituencies while a total of 35,093 votes had been counted in excess to the total votes polled in 176 Parliamentary constituencies.

“In addition, the inordinate delay in the release of final voter turnout data, absence of disaggregated constituency and polling station figures in absolute numbers and whether the elections results were declared based on final reconciled data has raised concerns and public suspicion regarding the correctness of the election results,” said ADR founder Jagdeep Chokkar while addressing a press conference.

ADR, however, did not specify that in how many seats these difference of votes would have resulted in a different outcome. The report said the Election Commission has so far failed to give any reasonable explanation in declaring the election results before releasing the final and authentic data on vote count, the mismatch in EVM votes polled EVM votes counted, increase in voter turn-out, non-disclosure of number of votes polled in numbers, unreasonable delay in release of votes polled data and the clean-up of certain data from its website.

“The ECI failing to address and take appropriate steps against the egregious incidents of violations, illegalities and irregularities seen in the Lok Sabha, 2019 and Lok Sabha Election 2024 elections has led to the trepidations in the mind of the electorate. These apprehensions must be seriously addressed and put to rest,” Chokkar added.

The report further mentioned that while declaring results of 2024 General Elections, votes polled and counted showed significant discrepancies in 538 Parliamentary constituencies (PCs), except Amreli, Attingal, Lakshadweep and Dadra Nagar Haveli and Daman Diu.

“Surat PC was uncontested. The total discrepancies in 538 constituencies were 5,89,691 votes,” the report said.



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