‘We The Electors’ exceed population count of every country, except China

From the Net

This General Elections 2024, is all set to go down the annals of history for not for one or two but three reasons. India’s mammoth voter count this time is not only all time high electorate count for any General Elections so far in country’s post independence history but is also more than the population size of any country in the world including super powers like America and Russia, except for just China. It is also world’s largest electorate ever witnessed.

At 96.88 crore voters, it is largest electorate in the world

The 2024 elections for the 18th Lok Sabha will also be witness to the largest electorate in world as 96.88 crores eligible citizens cast their franchise in seven phases of polling between April 19 and June 01, 2024.
Over 6% increase in registered voters was witnessed this time in comparision to 2019 including significant increase seen in registrations amongst women, youth and PwDs. Female voters registration surpassed male voters during SSR 2024 while young electors in age group 18-29 were also added to the voting population.

Top 10 most populous countries (on July 01, 2023)

Country Population (in cr)
India 142.86
China 142.56
United States 33.99
Indonesia 27.75
Pakistan 24.04
Brazil 22.38
Nigeria 21.64
Bangladesh 17.29
Russia 14.44
Mexico 12.84

Gender Parity

It is noteworthy to witness increase in female voter registrations, exemplifying a concerted effort towards gender parity and inclusivity within the electoral framework. The Electoral Roll gender ratio has also surged positively, indicating the growing role of women in shaping the democratic fabric of the nation. Over 2.63 crore new electors have been included in the electoral roll, out of which around 1.41 crore are female electors which surpassed the newly enrolled male voters (1.22 crore) by over 15%.
This led to the Gender Ratio increase from 940 in 2023 to 948 in 2024.

Youth Engagement

Over 2 crore young electors, spanning the 18-19 and 20-29 age groups, have been added to the electoral
roll. Special Assistant Electoral Registration Officers (AEROs) were deputed at the constituency level to facilitate youth enrolment directly from educational institutions, fostering greater civic engagement among the younger populace.

Empowering PwD Electors

A commendable effort was made by the ECI to support Persons with Disabilities (PwD) by flagging around 88.35 lakh PwD electors in the electoral roll database, ensuring accessibility and inclusivity on polling day.

Parameter Draft Electoral roll Final Electoral Roll
Registered Electors 95,73,52,077 96,88,21,926
Male Electors 49,26,32,344 49,72,31,994
Female Electors 46,46,80,073 47,15,41,888
Third Gender Electors 39,659 48,044
PwD Electors 82,32,167 88,35,449
Under 18-19 age 1,16,48,090 1,84,81,610
Under 20-29 age 17,81,14,233 19,74,37,160
80+ Electors 2,07,84,776 1,85,92,918
Centenarian (100+) 6,02,798 2,38,791
Electors/Population ratio 65.99 66.76
Gender Ratio 943 948

Rigorous scrutiny

After a thorough house-to-house verification, names of 1,65,76,654 deceased, permanently shifted, and duplicate electors have been deleted from the electoral rolls. This comprehensive cleanup ensured the integrity and purity of the electoral process. It includes 67,82,642 dead voters, 75,11,128 permanently shifted/absent voters and 22,05,685 duplicate voters.

ECI walks the extra mile to reach at the doorstep of elderly and PwD voters

In a pathbreaking initiative, the ECI, for the first time in any Lok Sabha Election so far, provided the facility of home voting for the elderly and Persons with Disabilities in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. Voters above 85 years of age and Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) with 40% benchmark disability would be able to avail the optional home voting facility. Voters in this category have already begun casting their votes for phase I and II of polling. This initiative marks a significant stride towards ensuring inclusivity and accessibility of the electoral process and in bolstering democratic participation.

There are over 81 lakh voter of above 85 years of age besides over 90 lakh PwD voters registered across the country.

Year Male Electors Female Electors Third  Gender PwD Electors Under 18-19 age
2019 48.47 cr 43.13 cr 38,883 45.63 lakh 1.5 cr
2020 47.5cr 44.27 cr 41,212 66.47 lakh 1.56 cr
2021 48.28 cr 45.15 cr 43,345 73.01 lakh 1.24 cr
2022 48.99 cr 46.04 cr 45,881 81.4 lakh 1.34 cr
2023 48.89 cr 45.97 cr 47,809 84.52 lakh 1.32 cr
2024 49.72 cr 47.15 cr 48,044 88.35 lakh 1.85 cr



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