In 10 years, MBBS seats increase 118%, PG seats 133%, Medical College count rise from 387 to 731

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With an aim to do away with the shortage of health facilities in rural areas of the country besides ensure sufficient number of doctors and better health facilities to each citizen of the country, the government has initiated major steps including increase in number of medical colleges with subsequent rise in number of MBBS seats in the country. This, if official reports were to be believed had led to the rise in doctor-population ratio in the country which was adjudged to be better than that prescribed by the WHO.

According to information provided by National Medical Commission (NMC), presently there were 13,86,136 allopathic doctors registered with the State Medical Councils and the National Medical Commission (NMC) as on July, 2024.

Assuming 80% availability of registered allopathic doctors and around 5.65 lakh AYUSH doctors, the doctor-population ratio in the country came around 1:836 which was better than the stipulated WHO standard of 1:1000. Further, as per Indian Nursing Council, there are around 38.49 lakh registered nursing personnel in the country.

Official data revealed, as the government had increased number of medical colleges leading to subsequent increase in MBBS seats. there was an increase of 88% in Medical Colleges from 387 before 2014 to 731 as of now.

Further, an increase of 118% in MBBS seats was recorded in past 10 years from 51,348 before 2014 to 1,12,112 as of now. Also an increase of 133% in PG seats was registered from 31,185 before 2014 to 72,627 as of now.

Stringent measures initiated by the Government to increase the count of medical professional in the country include the Centrally Sponsored Scheme for establishment of new medical college by upgrading district/referral hospital under which 109 new medical colleges are already functional out of 157 approved medical college.

22 new AIIMS, Super Specialty Blocks

Under ‘Upgradation of Government Medical Colleges by construction of Super Specialty Blocks’ of Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana (PMSSY) scheme, a total of 75 projects have been approved, of which 66 projects have been completed.

Also under the Central Sector Scheme for setting up of new AIIMS, a total of 22 AIIMS had been approved, wherein undergraduate courses had already commenced in 19 of these colleges.

Increase in number of MBBS (UG) and PG seats

To strengthen and upgrade the existing State government and Central government medical colleges through increase in number of MBBS (UG) and PG seats, support has been provided for increase of 4977 MBBS seats in 83 colleges with an approved cost of Rs 5972.20 crore, 4058 PG seats in phase-I in 72 colleges with an approved cost of Rs 1498.43 crore and 4000 PG seats in phase-II in 65 colleges with an approved cost of Rs 4478.25 crore.

Age limit enhanced to 70 years

With an aim to address shortage of trained professional teaching hands, the government has enhanced the age limit for appointment/extension/re-employment against posts of teachers/Dean/Principal/ Director in medical colleges upto 70 years.

Further to increase the count of nursing personnel in the country, the Government has announced, in the budget speech 2023-24, establishment of 157 nursing colleges in the country.

Ayushman Arogya Mandir

Under National Health Mission, through Ayushman Arogya Mandir (AAM), comprehensive primary healthcare is provided by strengthening Sub Health Centres (SHCs) and Primary Health Centres (PHCs).

These Ayushman Arogya Mandir provide preventive, promotive, rehabilitative and curative care for an expanded range of services encompassing reproductive and child healthcare services, Communicable diseases, Non-communicable diseases and other health issues. As reported by the States/UTs on the AAM portal, 1,73,410 Ayushman Arogya Mandir have been operationalized in rural and urban areas till 30th June, 2024.


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