Home Health 32,410 people from 14 years and below to 60 years and above...

32,410 people from 14 years and below to 60 years and above age succumb to heart attack in 2021-22 in country

Senior pharmacist Pramod Yadav (50), posted at a government hospital in Prayagraj died due to heart attack while driving his car to hospital as per routine on Thursday morning.
  • Senior pharmacist Pramod Yadav (50), posted at a government hospital in Prayagraj died due to heart attack while driving his car to the hospital as per routine on Thursday morning. While driving, he suddenly experienced extreme chest pain and all he could do was to slow down and park the vehicle on road side. He could not even get out of his car.
  • Abdulla (36), elder son of former Samajwadi Party MLA Muztaba Siddiqui, a week back was hale and hearty, after waking up in the morning, However, after sometime, he experienced extreme pain in his chest and before his family members could take his to a hospital, he died.
  • Similarly, Dev Gurnani, a budding badminton player, was doing his routine practice at one of the badminton court at Major Ranjeet Singh Sports Complex in Prayagraj last month. While playing, Dev suddenly collapsed on the ground after a sever cardiac arrest and died.

These are a few examples of rising trend of cardiac arrests experienced by people of all age groups with sound health and no previous record of any cardiac ailment.

As per the official records, a significant 32,410 people from 14 years and below to 60 years and above age groups including 28,005 males and 4402 females besides three transgender having lost their lives to sudden cardiac arrest in 2021-2022 in the country. This comprised of 7.7% share of total number of sudden deaths reported from all over the country in the mentioned period.

A significant 114 kids of 14 years and below age died due to cardiac arrest in 2021-22 including 59 males and 55 females, while 175 lost their lives to sudden heart attack in 14 years to 18 years age group including 126 male and 49 females.

Reports revealed, a maximum 12,290 people including 10,854 males and 1436 females lost their lives to sudden cardiac arrest in 45 to 60 years age category. Further, in 18 to 30 years age category, 3040 people lost their lives due to the same reason in 2021-22 in different parts of the country including 2540 males and 500 females while in 30 to 45 years age group, 9722 people including 8670 male and 1049 females succumbed to sudden cardiac arrest.

Also 7069 People above 60 years of age including 5756 males and 1313 females died in different parts of the country in 2021-22 after suffering sudden heart attack.

World Health Organization’s Key Facts

• Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death globally.
• An estimated 17.9 million people died from CVDs in 2019, representing 32% of all global deaths.
• Of these deaths, 85% were due to heart attack and stroke.
• Over three quarters of CVD deaths take place in low- and middle-income countries.
• Out of the 17 million premature deaths (under the age of 70) due to non-communicable diseases in 2019, 38% were caused by CVDs.
• Most cardiovascular diseases can be prevented by addressing behavioural risk factors such as tobacco use, unhealthy diet and obesity, physical inactivity and harmful use of alcohol.
• It is important to detect cardiovascular disease as early as possible so that management with counselling and medicines can begin.

Causes responsible for rising Cardiac Arrests

As per leading health experts, prevalence of heart ailments has risen in India in the recent past. The changing trend of rising cardiac arrests and related issues have been attributed to fast-paced modern-day living and subtle alterations in habits in keeping with the changing times.
Sedentary life style is one of the major causes related to an increased risk of Coronary Heart Disease.
Also poor food choices like fast food, processed foods and sugary drinks contribute to the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Age-wise victims who died due to sudden heart attack in 2021-22 in country

Age Group Male Female Transgender Total
14 years & below 59 55 0 114
14 – 18 years 126 49 0 175
18 – 30 Years 2540 500 0 3040
30 – 45 years 8670 1049 3 9722
45 – 60 years 10,854 1436 0 12,290
60 years & above 5756 1313 0 7069



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