191 Covid deaths in six months, Kerala reports maximum of 63 deaths


Covid claimed 191 lives in 20 States and Union Territories (UT) of the country between August 1, 2023 and February 5, 2024, revealed a report tabled by Union ministry Of Health and Family Welfare.

Kerala reported the maximum count of 63 Covid deaths between August 1, 2023 and February 5, 2024 followed by Karnataka with 39 Covid deaths and Maharashtra with 29 Covid patients succumbing to the infection in the mentioned period.
As per data of Union ministry Of Health and Family Welfare, other states with maximum reported deaths owing to Covid in top 10 list of maximum deaths in said period include Uttar Pradesh (13), West Bengal (6), Delhi (5), Himachal Pradesh (5), Gujarat (5), Tamil Nadu (5), Chhattisgarh (4) respectively.

1,508 cases of Covid-19 active in country

The ministry report mentioned that the trajectory of Covid-19 cases in the country witnessed a slight upsurge in the last week of November, 2023 which peaked around late December, 2023 and was currently on the decline. As on February 6, 2024, as reported by States/UTs, a total of 1,508 cases of Covid-19 were active in the country, of which almost 86% were reported to be mild and under home isolation, revealed the report.

Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme

Given the emergence of variants of COVID-19 virus with variable transmissibility and
their possible health implications, the report further stated, Union Ministry of Health was following COVID-19 trajectory globally and in the country along with various expert committees. Overall, to strengthen disease surveillance and monitor disease trends including Covid-19 and its variants the Government of India had strengthened Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme (IDSP) which monitored outbreak prone diseases and institutes requisite public health measures.

150 Virus Research and Diagnostic Laboratories

Further, to keep a check on spread of Covid, Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) had established a network of more than 150 Virus Research and Diagnostic Laboratories (VRDLs) for timely laboratory based confirmation of pathogens.

Funding through NHM

Funding support has also been provided to States/UTs for health system strengthening to meet any exigency due to public health emergencies like pandemics through National Health Mission (NHM).

Timely detection of newer mutant variant

Further, for timely detection of newer mutant variants of SARS-CoV-2 virus, Whole Genomic Sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 is carried out by the Indian SARS-CoV-2 Genome Sequencing (INSACOG) network in the country.

COVID-19 Vaccination Programme

The National COVID-19 Vaccination Programme is ongoing and the States/UTs have ensured availability of vaccines based on requirement. As on February 6, 2024, more than 220.67 crore Covid-19 vaccine doses have been administered across the country resulting in coverage of more than 97% of population aged 12 years and above with at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine while more than 90% with both doses.
Additionally, more than 22.88 crore precaution dose have also been administered to eligible beneficiaries aged 18 years and above.
In view of the rising count of Covide cases in December 2023, Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare had also written to Health Ministers of all States seeking their collaboration in maintaining continuous vigil, while ensuring operational readiness of all health facilities and healthcare workforce to meet any exigencies due to COVID-19.

Covid-19 cases & deaths reported by States/UTs from Aug 1, 2023 to Feb 5, 2024

               States/UTs     Cases     Deaths
Kerala 10411 156* (including 93 previous deaths)
Karnataka 6700 39
Maharashtra 5184 29
Uttar Pradesh 190 13
West Bengal 1549 6
Delhi 603 5
Himachal Pradesh 108 5
Gujarat 564 5
Tamil Nadu 511 5
Chhattisgarh 469 4
Punjab 87 1,234*(earlier deaths 1230)
Jharkhand 34 3
Haryana 182 25*(earlier deaths 23)
Tripura 133 2
Assam 66 1
Bihar 115 1
Rajasthan 194 1
Sikkim 59 1
Pudducherry 131 1
J&K (UT) 93 1
Andhra Pradesh 363 0
Chandigarh 16 0
Goa 253 0
Ladakh 33 0
Madhya Pradesh 307 0
Manipur 5 0
Meghalaya 26 0
Mizoram 9 0
Nagaland 1 0
Odisha 214 0
Telangana 357 0
Uttarakhand 37 0

*Include the reconciled (old) COVID-19 deaths, as reported by Haryana (23), Kerala (93) and Punjab (1,230)


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